For Graham and Lisa Hawkins wine is a shared interest and the couple’s cellar
complements both their lifestyles.
Graham, Lisa and their young daughter live in a 100-year-old house in Essex.
Lisa particularly enjoys how the cellar enables her to enjoy a social life at home.
“What’s great for me is that when Graham’s away, and it’s difficult to get
childcare, I can have my girlfriends round,” she explains. “It gives me a ‘going
out’ experience without having to leave my front door.”
Entertaining is also high on Graham’s list. In his younger days, he used to get
together with friends to play cards. “We would all bring a different bottle of
wine to try. The evenings were a catalyst not only for socialising but for
developing our appreciation of wine.” Their cellar is an extension of this early
passion. Graham enjoys being able to introduce friends to new discoveries.
Having a dedicated cellar has enabled Graham to expand his knowledge of
wine and grow his collection. “Now that I have the ability to store wine
correctly I love getting into my hobby,” he says. With a busy work-life and lots
of travel, downtime is a rarity. “The cellar helps Graham relax, whether that’s
exploring his passion or sharing his collection with friends,” says Lisa.
Staying In: the New Going Out